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Feb Newsletter- we’re back

Self Sufficency in the City 
Written by Mindy

A big hello to this awesome community! My name is Mindy and I guess you could say I’m known for growing a small concrete jungle in Queens. But as for my passion, that’s always been learning. I’ve worked in the hospitality industry from my very first to last job
s. Food has played a major role in my life, but it wasn’t until I had my first child that I really started to dig into what we eat and how it effects our entire being. From mood to health, everything we put into our bodies makes an impact.

With my first child, I developed gestational diabetes. The doctor sent me to a nutrition class and that was the beginning of it all. Reading labels, really starting to understand the effects of everyday foods we consume on the body, all inspired me to want to feed my child as healthy as possible. I mean we all want to set out kids up for the future to the best of our abilities, what could be more important than their internal health.

Six years later and here we are. We grow all of our own vegetables, 90% out of pots, 95% from seeds, and 100% doable. For a full year now we make all of our own bread, jams, salad dressing, mayo, soups, stocks, and more. It has become such a way of life that I forget to pause and reflect on how far we’ve come, and how many other things my children learn from this life style.

I know we’re all busy, and finding time to spend in the kitchen isn’t easy for all. So I’ll start you guys today with a jam recipe. No special canners, pots or equipment required. And oh! The best part, the money saved! These jars in the store average about $6 and I can make them at home, no added unhealthy ingredients, for around $2.50 a jar.

Blessing to you readers, thank you for the opportunity to provide some tips to obtain a little self sufficiency in the city! You can follow along our journey on Instagram @The_Potted_Patio

Lemon Strawberry Jam
2lbs strawberrries, washed and stems removed
1 1/2cups sugar
Zest of on Lemon
Cook until thick and it reaches temp of 220. 

Spread love with Random Acts of Kindness in time for Valentine’s Day!

What are random acts of kindness you ask?  They are small gestures you abandon for others to find expecting nothing in return and knowing that the universe will match it up with the right person at the right moment.  There are many groups that participate in this movement from fiber arts to painted rocks.  If you crochet these are perfect little gifts to abandon especially for Valentine’s Day.  

I’m hoping that you will join me in spreading love and kindness with this pattern.  It is super simple and works up very fast.

Hug Pattern                                                              Skill: Beginner

Hook size: 3.75

Yarn: Any yarn

Googly eyes

Directions: (chain 2 don’t count in stitch count)

Magic Ring, ch 2

Row 1: 10 double crochet in magic ring, ch2

Row 2: 2 double crochet in each stitch, ch 2 (20)

Row 3: This where you add arms. Stitch as follows- double crochet in first stitch, increase in next stitch, repeat 4 more times. At the end of stitch 15 chain 10.  That is your first arm. Slip stitch in the 5th stitch and remaining 5 chains.

Double crochet into next stitch, increase in following stitch, repeat until end of round. Repeat chain 10 directions for second arm. Slip stitch to very first double crochet to close. (30) Sew in ends.

Heart Pattern:

Magic ring, ch 2

In magic ring- 7 double crochet, ch 1, double crochet, ch 1, 7 double crochet, ch 2, slip stitch, ch 1, fasten off. Pull both ends tightly to shape heart.

Contribution by Dee. She is a woman of many roles but most importantly a stay at home mother to her toddler.  She is a crafting instructor for over 15 years, teaching everything from jewelry making to yarn crafts to cake decorating.  She recently started creating her own patterns.  She has a YouTube channel where she teaches many different crafts.  You can visit her blog mymagicalcorner  to learn more about her crafts.

Are you interested in knowing all the happinings of our island?  Want to know what the politician don’t tell you?  Want to hear it from a neutral source that cares about our people then I invite you to support this reporter and her channel.  Bianca Graulau is a tell it like it is reporter that explores the many questions some of us that live here in the states have. Let us support one another and let us educate ourselves on what is going on in our beautiful island of Puerto Rico.

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