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2019 has left and now what?

What can we do different this year to accomplish all that we’ve ever dream of?

Written by Derick Lopez

2019 has left and now what? Once again, I’m thinking we’ll go back to making countless resolutions that we know we won’t keep only find ourselves back in 2017 with unfinished business and dreams that just seemed to hard or too far to attain. What can you do different this year to accomplish all that we’ve ever dreamt of?

It is simple.

Reflect, plan, and execute. I will explain how you can do this.

Reflect, Plan and Execute.

Think of those experiences that have occurred in your life that have marked you. Leaving behind scars that just don’t seem to completely heal. Often times we tend to do little to nothing to deal with them . We allow these feelings to festure like a bad infection until we become physically and emotionally ill.

I know it can be uncomfortable to deal with but not dealing with them will only make things worst. Therapy is key for healing. It will help you in finding out why you are continuing to make the same decisions that are often getting you no where.

“How can we cope with these feelings?”
Something you can do at home is this. Think of what is hurting you and take a deep breath. Breath out Exhaling all of your worries and pain. Envision everything that bothers or hurts you leaving at this very moment while you exhale.  Make sure to do this several times till your calm. You want to make sure you’re in a safe and quiet space.
Only when we are calm can we think reasonably and separate the emotions from the pain. We then can think clearly on how we can come up with a solution and begin on our journey to greatness. Solutions often come to your mind when you are relaxed and ask the universe and god for guidance.
Now that you have a clear mind. Come up with your plan. Write it out, so as if it’s your contract. You are now committed to it.

Perfect, now this part is really up to you and only you

Now you’re going to put action into your plan. Is it a new job? Leaving a toxic lover, or embarking on a business venture that you’ve always wanted?

Make sure to get up early, shower, put on that fragrance you love. Or anything that makes you feel empowered.  Take control of your day and your life and go get it. A new job, why not. Is it doing something you love? Go for it. If you’re in a job just for money, I don’t think that’s a good enough reason. You should be passionate about what you are doing. So, you can be really happy and feel fulfilled. Usually then you’ll feel like you’re doing the right thing and in return you’ll be successful long term.

Are you leaving a toxic lover? Go for it, Run as fast as you can. You don’t have to have it planned out to the tea. What matters is your initial step to want better. Heck you deserve it. Love should never ever hurt if it does, run. Surround yourself around people that love and support you. You’re not alone
Are you taking the chance on opening that little bakery that you’ve always wanted because you enjoy baking? Go for it. When you enjoy what you do and are passionate 9 out of 10 times, you’ll be successful. Part of success is not knowing how you’ll do it but just knowing you will and of course putting in the foot work. Nothing good comes easy.

Remember we all were born with a very special gift. The gift of discernment and intuition. Always go with that gut feeling you get. When your clear of those emotions usually you can make better decisions and make sure to pay attention to that voice which is your intuition. Always remember nothing gets done without work. Go for it. We did. We simply acted out on a thought. We went with our gut feeling and now we’ve been in business for almost 6 years and we’ve been quite successful.
Heck your reading our newsletter, aren’t you? So we’re passing on the blessings to you as you will to another. We love you and want 2020 to fill your lives with greatness because you are great. Once you begin to heal, then you really begin to see all that you are!

Life and the universe work on intention. If you intend to do something say it with firmness. Believe it. Then just start gathering those building blocks. As long as you put motion into it and stay a firm believer that you will achieve it, you will. It works as simple as that. I know it sounds too good to be true. To some it is a lot easier than others.

Most of us have a huge disadvantage, our mind! Our mind can sometimes me our worst enemy. But if you learn to quiet down your mind and just believe I promise you the skies the limit. I hope this article was helpful to you. And just know you are limitless you are beautiful and are deserving of everything you desire.

We Love You.

Comments (2)

Thanks for showing love for your neighbor in doing a newsletter.I felt the love when reading it.Thank you again.

Thank you very much. Hope you are subscribed so you can receive our monthly newsletter before they are posted. 💖

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