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2020 is here and so much is happening. First the back and forth about impeaching President Trump. Then the Harvey Weinstein case. Now the Corona Virus. It seems to be the only topic on all news outlets these days. People are really panicking. Who wouldn’t if it’s all you hear on the news?

I have a friend that tested positive and they gave him regular medicine and was told to stay in doors that his body would fight it. He was told that this was similar to the flu. This made me think could this be just some type of Fear Mongering? But why?

“Fear is the foundation of most governments” John Adams.

I started to look up Fear. And the Power that one can have on you if they manipulate you to thinking your doomed. They immediately gain power over you. Usually once you get a group to fear something you begin to look like the savior , they trust you more. You gain power, money and control over that group.
Have you ever questioned the news? Always so drepressing. Most stories are about muggings , rapes, etc. Nothing really uplifting or positive about the news. But yet we always turn it on as if it will enrich our lives.

Fear is one of the lowest vibrational frequencies.

Every time you watch the news you hear the same thing over and over again. Corona Virus. Corona Virus. So many people infected. Did you know you could have the virus and show no symptoms? Like herpes, most of us have it but perhaps rarely get an outbreak.  No more hand sanitizers, schools are closed, shelter in place.  And it continues. So, then you are left to fear it and you start to panic. So many people panicking wearing masks, gloves etc., scared to even step out the door.

This is real and it is happening. But I feel like the media has taken over everything. All they talk about is this. So of course, it puts people in a state of panic. What good comes out of panic and fear. NOTHING.

I went to try to buy groceries at the market the other day and people were fighting over toilet paper. Like really toilet paper. This is what the news creates a sense of fear and panic. We cannot make rational decisions when our mind isn’t clear and on panic mode.

My understanding to this is that the virus is contagious and easily spread. But that once you are infected your body then attacks it . This is why we have an immune system. To fight such viruses. But why doesn’t media emphasize this as the doctors did to my friend as well as many people, I know that have tested positive. I’m not at all comfortable with all the fear mongering going on in all Media outlets as well as social Media. I try my best to focus on things that make me feel good and not outlets that make me feel like were doomed and it’s the end of the world.

What has helped me is to talk. I talk and hear many different points of views.  I keep myself occupied, either decorating my office planning new projects or simple tidying up my living space. Thank god I have the restaurant. I’m able to go out some where I love. I see my staff and instantly I feel good. Because I know they are happy to be working as they choose to do and they know that they are not alone. The restaurant is a family so they feel safe and know they will be able to pay some of their bills.  So, it’s very important to have support. People to talk to that have a way of calming you in difficult times.

We will not solve anything from panicking. Make sure you don’t give into the fear. But know that this too shall pass. Take advantage and catch up with family. Remember what you concentrate on grows. So, if you’re worried, anxious, feeling overwhelmed by fear. You will only draw more of it to you and to us as a whole. Remain positive for you and your family.

I must admit, I heard months ago in independent media that something big was coming in 2020. Something far worse than 911. It is now here. My question now comes, “Do they really care about us”
Will humanity still have a chance against corporate giants that basically control the entire world. I didn’t believe it because everyone I know calls this conspiracy theories. But now seeing this play out I wonder.Where is this all going? With now most of the population out of work and its only been 2 weeks and people are now with little to no money.  What will happen when people are out of work for almost 2 months. How will they be able to take care of their family. Let’s say there is no one in the family working how will they come out of this. Yet we’re still required to pay our bills.

How? “Do they really care about us” I’m afraid of the amount of violence and looting that will emerge from the economic fall!
We’ve been focused on useless entertainment that does nothing for us but dumb us down. Rather then seeing what is going on in our own backyard. Now it is time to pay attention. Citizens I call upon you to do your own research and question every damn thing.I Will tell you this. Turn off the news. It does not enhance your life in any which way. Live your life and know you are protected by god and the universe. And most of all stay positive. I LOVE YOU  and want you to know this too shall pass!I love each and everyone of you.
Please Spread LOVE and not FEAR.

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