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November 2023 – They are failing our children

They Are Failing Our Children

by: Anonymous Writer
The system is very broken and many children are failing through the cracks my child is one of them.  We went to every pediatric visit, everything always fine even when I voiced my concerns I was told I was just a nervous mom and all children develop and grow at their own pace.  I accepted it at first but you know a mothers intuition, when something is not right with their chilld we move mountains to find answers and that is just what I have done.  It has not been an easy battle as once again the system is very broken.  My child is extremely intelligent which is what everyone saw and dismissed the obvious developmental delays.  I called my  childs pediatrician once again to discuss some concerns and once again was told this is normal behavior and children can and will outgrow at the right time.  I wanted an appointment for my child to be seen but now that we live in a virtual world they would not allow me to come in unless the child was sick or it was time for the yearly exam.  I was told I could come in for a Flu or other vaccine.  I wanted to come in to discuss my concerns face to face.  They told me since my child was older than three the pediatrician could not help me with the issues my child was going through, I would need to contact the Department of Education.  Which I of course did, had to fill out some paperwork and they would send me a packet.  They did.  I was to read about 80 pages of information and look for evaluators on my own.  Some I called told me their next appointment availability would be in 2025.  Yes, you read that right, not next year but the year after.  I became totally frustrated and felt so alone.  All these people that are supposed to help guide us with our babies kept running me in loops.  If I wanted my child to get help I have to do all the work, they give you an outdated list for you to call.  Took weeks of rejections to finally find someone to evaluate my child.  The evaluators were really wonderful.  One thing that was said to me was “this should’ve been caught earlier, the earlier treatment begins the faster the child benefits.”  You of course can imagine my frustration, I just cried because I did try to get help.  My child has higher than average intelligence and was dismissed by so many people in position to help including the Department of Education.  I was told some of the delays my child has are not that severe even though the evaluation and test clearly state so.  I am now paying out of pocket for services denied while awaiting a couple months to start the services that will be provided by the Department of Education. I will be advocating for my child and demanding we get the services needed.  Not only for us but for those that will come after that feel they have no voice and might not be in a financial situation to acquire the services on their own. I share my story to hopefully help others that were or are in similar situations.  
If you feel there is something just not right, don’t take any answers that do not fall in line with what you feel.  Keep pushing, your child deserves it.  It is better to be safe than sorry, even if your family and friends believe there is nothing wrong but you feel there is.  I learned all this the hard way.  You can always call 311 and ask them to connect you with someone that can help.  If your child is under the age of 3 you can go here for info.  You can go here if your child is 3-5 years of age. If child is of school age you can go here.  I ask you to share this information, our children are depending on it. 

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