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October 2023 – What’s in our food

Do You Know What’s In Your Food?

Do you know what is in the food you eat?  Do you check food labels?  Have you heard the saying “If it taste good, it must be good for you”  Well that is not always the case.  Many times it goes hand in hand with the saying “If its too good to be true, probably is”  The list goes on and on.  
Coloring makes everything look more inviting but did you know how bad those chemicals are for you and your children.
Here is one example:
Red Dye 40 has been linked to host of physical and mental health issues, including ADD/ADHD, allergies, immune disorders, mind-storms (which are issues with the brain’s wiring or electrical activity) and inflammatory bowel diseases.  Isn’t that mind boggling?  
If you can please limit the amount of artificial anything in your food.  In our culture we are raised to eat what is in front of you and don’t question the adults providing.  I urge you to question, look at how many illnesses are prevelant in our culture, I am sure the vast amount of chemicals in some of the foods we enjoy have something to do with it.
Good news is that here at The Freakin Rican we only use natural ingredients.  Nothing artificial goes into our food.  Our spices and seasonings are all natural, you will recognize every ingredient listed and we definitely do not use artificial coloring in our food.

Delivery Platform Changes

To ensure that we offer the finest dining experience to our valued patrons, we have made the decision to restrict our food delivery service through third-party platforms. Instead, we will be providing local deliveries exclusively through our website. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we firmly believe that this change will allow us to maintain the highest level of service and quality that you deserve. Thank you for your understanding.

Shipping Info

We will now be shipping every two weeks for the next couple of months.  We will be shipping the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Wednesday of the month. 
Also we will not be making any more Yuca pasteles until November for the start of the holiday season. You can note your orders for Yuca pasteles and we will put your order to the side until we make the yuca pasteles or you can wait to place your order in November.
Again we appreciate all your love and support as we continue to grow.

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